Our Approach

At Irbisio, our investment approach is distilled in our motto, "capturing sustainable value".

Like the snow leopard, our mascot and a remarkable hunter, we seek out and seize the most promising green energy projects. Our commitment to sustainable value speaks to our dual mission: to promote a greener energy landscape, and to ensure our projects generate robust internal rates of return (IRRs), crucial for their long-term viability. Our investment philosophy revolves around three core tenets: selecting green energy projects, mitigating risk, and ensuring an efficient project lifecycle.

Green Energy Projects
We invest in projects promoting green energy - from energy conservation and sustainable energy generation to optimizing energy use. By backing initiatives that cut carbon emissions and encourage eco-friendly practices, we actively contribute to the global shift towards sustainable energy.
Risk Mitigation
Risk mitigation forms a key part of our investment strategy. We collaborate with contractors offering performance guarantees, invest in experienced teams with proven track records, and secure long-term off-take agreements to guarantee stable revenue streams. This approach bolsters the resilience and profitability of our investments.
Efficient Project Lifecycle
Our focus lies in projects with a swift, sub-18-month investment phase, ensuring a rapid transition from development to operational stages. We also prioritize projects offering a minimum 10-year cash flow projection, laying the groundwork for sustainable, long-term returns.

Investing Principles

Our investment principles emphasize impactful and reliable investments

In summary, our investment approach fuses a sharp focus on capturing sustainable value with the selection of impactful, reliable, and fast projects aligning with our core principles. By adhering to these principles, we aim to instigate positive change in the energy sector, promote sustainable development, and deliver sustainable returns to our investors.

ESG Aproach

We adhere to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our investment strategy is particularly focussed on six of the UN’s 17 goals:

6. Clean Water and Sanitation7. Affordable and Clean Energy9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure12. Responsible Consumption and Production13. Climate Action11. Sustainable Cities and Communities